“Riitesh Mudraa” is an initiative to bring back the glory of ancient vedic science especially for healthy well being through the use of drugless therapies like Mudraa, Reiki, Pranic Healing, Acupressure, Swara Yoga, Sujok and Pranayyam.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
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- Dr. Riitesh Sinha
Cerebral palsy refers to a group of neurological disorders that impairs movements and co-ordination or loss of motor and other nerve function as a result of brain damage.
Alternative Names
Spastic paralysis; Paralysis - spastic Causes, incidence, and risk factors
Cerebral palsy, previously known as Little’s Disease is caused by injuries to the cerebrum (the largest part of the brain), which occur as the baby grows in the womb or near the time of birth. Initially cerebral palsy was thought to be related to trauma and strangulation during birth (birth asphyxia), which leads to lack of oxygen to the brain),
According to a recent data there is 1 in 278 affected with C.P. In patients with cerebral palsy, parts of the brain areas receive lower levels of oxygen (hypoxia) at some point, but it is not known why this occurs. Premature infants have a slightly higher rate of cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy may also occur during early infancy as a result of illnesses (encephalitis, meningitis, herpes simplex infections, and so on), head injury that results in subdural hematoma, blood vessel injuries, and many others conditions. It is not a disease in the strict sense of the word and hence is not contagious or hereditary in nature.
Although C.P. is a non-progressive condition ---that is the damage to the brain does not worsen with the passage of time, the effects of cerebral palsy may change. Body movement and muscle coordination may deteriorate with the aging process or in some cases the condition may actually improve.
Injury to the cerebrum can result in the loss of nerve functions in widely different areas. The classical finding of CP is increased muscle tone ( spasticity ). Spasticity may affect:
One arm or leg
One side of the body (spastic hemiplegia)
Both legs (spastic diplegia)
Both arms and legs (spastic quadriplegia)
In addition, the child may have a partial or full loss of movement (paralysis), problems hearing and vision, and sensation abnormalities. Speech problems are common. Intellectual function may range from extremely bright normal to severe mental retardation. Symptoms are usually seen before age 2. In severe cases, they may appear as early as 3 months.
Classifications of cerebral palsy include spastic, dyskinetic, ataxic, and mixed.
Spastic cerebral palsy is the most common type.
Dyskinetic (athetoid) cerebral palsy involves development of abnormal movements (twisting, jerking, or other movements).
Ataxic cerebral palsy involves tremors, unsteady gait, loss of coordination, and abnormal movements.
Mixed cerebral palsy involves any combination of symptoms.
Muscle contractions
Difficulty sucking or feeding
Irregular breathing
Delayed development of motor skills, such as reaching, sitting, rolling, crawling, walking, and so on
Motormental retardation
Mental retardation
Speech problems (dysarthria)
Visual problems
Hearing problems
Joint contractures that slowly get worse
Limited range of motion
Peg teeth
Signs and tests
In many cases, a doctor's examination indicates delayed development of motor skills. Infantile reflexes (such as sucking and startle) may persist past the age where they usually disappear. Muscle tremor or spasticity may be evident, with a tendency of infants to tuck their arms in toward their sides, scissors movements of the legs, or other abnormal movements. Various laboratory tests may be performed to eliminate nutritional or other causes of the symptoms.
· MRI of the head demonstrates structural or congenital abnormalities
Hearing screen (to determine auditory status)
Visual testing (to determine visual status)
Blood tests to exclude metabolic or hereditary conditions
There is no specific cure for cerebral palsy. The goal of treatment is to maximize independence. Treatment is guided by the symptoms exhibited and may include physical therapy, braces, appropriate glasses and hearing aids, medications, special education or appropriate schooling, and, in severe cases, institutionalization. Mainstreaming in regular schools is advised unless physical disabilities or mental development makes this impossible. Glasses, hearing aids, or other equipment must be designed specifically for the particular disabilities and may assist with communication and learning. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, orthopedic intervention, or other treatments may be appropriate. Physical therapy (PT) programs are designed to encourage the patient to build a strength base for improved gait and volitional movement, together with stretching programs to limit contractures. Many experts believe that life-long physical therapy is crucial to maintain muscle tone, bone structure, and prevent dislocation of the joints. Occupational therapy helps adults and children maximise their function, adapt to their limitations and live as independently as possible.
In the Vedas it is said “Naasti mudraasamam kinchit siddhiyam shitimandte” meaning in this world there is no method other than mudra to gain success. It is said in our Vedas our palms are very powerful and they have healing powers. We can see it from following Atharvaveda shlokas
Ayam me hasto bhagavan, nayam me bhagavattarah 1 Ayam me visvabheshajah, yam shivabhimarshanah 11
-Atharvaveda 4.13.6
Fortunate is my left hand, yet more fortunate is right. left hand contains all healing balms and removes blocks in the free flow of joy, and right makes whole with gentle touch. for it contains all the medicinal capacities of the universe, its all healing touch bringing peace, harmony, joy and liberation
from all toxic conditions of matter, birth, death, old age and disease Hastabhayaam dashashaakhaabhyaam jivah vachah purogavree I Anaamayeetnubhyaam hastabhayaam taabhyaam tavabhi mrishaamashi II
- Atharvaveda 4. 13. 7
The tongue that leads the voice precedes. Then with our tenfold branching hands. Which powerfully affirms healing. With these two healers of disease, we stroke you with a soft caress
Our palm not only help us to do our daily work, but it has lot of healing power because of this it is in the said in the Hindu text several Gods reside on the palm Karaagre vasate Laxmih,
Karamoole Saraswati,
Karamadhye tu Govindah. Prabhaate karadarshanam It means:
Goddess Laxmi resides on the tip of the fingers. Goddess Saraswati resides on the wrist. In the center of the palm resides Lord Govinda Himself. In the morning one should look at one’s palms.
Hands were revered by the Hindus for centuries. One of the Shivaic tantrik rituals of India gives the following liturgical adoration to the fingers of the hands:
"Om Sham I bow to the thumbs Namah. Om Shim I bow the index fingers Svaha. Om Shum I bow to the middle fingers Vashat. Om Shaim I bow to the ring fingers Hum. Om Shaum I bow to the little fingers Vaushat. Om Shah I bow to the front and back of hands Phat."
This chant is accompanied by specific mudras that purifies the subtle channels of the upper limbs. Not only is this ritual practiced in India but variations of it may be found in Bali islands as well.
You must have seen the statues of Buddha, Jesus, Mahavir, and Shiva et al among many others, wherein the hands and fingers are shown curled in a specific posture. For example, Lord Shiva's image normally shows the hand positioned in Varda muda, i.e., giving blessing . Likewise, one of the popular images of Lord Buddha shows the fingers of the Left hand holding a pot of nectar, while palm of the right hand is resting on the lap, with fingers folded and pointing straight down. Another image shows the fingers of the right hand near the chest region and folded in a specific pose. Such finger postures not only have a therapeutic effect on the mind-body system but also accentuate mental keenness and acuity. This science of hand and finger postures is 'Mudra Vigyan'. In fact, there are innumerable mudras and each has a specific effect.
This science can help you to cure bodily ailments in a wonderful manner. It actually helps in balancing the five elements ( panch-tattvas ) in the human system to their optimal levels. The elements can even be increased or decreased to cure appropriate ailments. When the elements are completely balanced,
the yoga (unison) of mind, body and soul with the Supreme Soul can be achieved!
But one will find that it gives equally astonishing results in achieving mental concentration. And the funny thing is, unlike yoga, you can practice mudras anywhere, anytime!
Mudra is a hand gesture or seal which is a symbol of energy. It is the most beautiful form on expression by the use of thumb and fingers. It can also be done without the use of hands like Khecheri Mudra done with tongue and Viparita Karni Mudra which is one of the body poses. It is used as the non verbal form of communication in Various Indian classical dances like Kathak and Bharat Natyam.
It also works as a therapy for the body and mind by balancing the ratio of five elements (panch tattvas)
Mudras are supposed to be a part of Tattva Yoga –the science of elements. Along with Asanas mudras are employed along with Yogic Meditation to energize the Chakras and calm the mind.
Our palms have more than 5000 nerve endings. Whenever mudras are performed these nerve ending get activated and thus activating corresponding brain part. Mudras is a type of yoga that can be
understood and done easily. Even children can do mudras without any efforts. Before doing any mudra, take a few deep breaths, sit down in comfortable position , relax and do it.
For best results it has to be done for minimum 30-45 minutes per day. There are several mudra for keeping oneself healthy.
Based on my 30 years experience I have formulated Riitesh’s law of Vaayu
Fold the index finger (forefinger) on the pad of thumb. Press the forefinger gently on the pad. Press index finger with thumb. Keep the other fingers aloof. (try with both hands).
About the writer
I, Dr. Riitesh Sinha is having cerebral palsy. I’ve done BSc.,PGDCA, CIC,MIT, ND. I do healing through Mudras and Reiki.
Contact no. 09416253198, 09468223764.
e-mail: riitesh@yahoo.com,, sinha.riitesh@gmail.com.