Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Swara Yoga is an ancient science that existed even before the Vedic period. Swara is the science of nasal breathing, which means ‘sound’ or musical note in Sanskrit and signifies the continuous flow of breath through the nostril.

Swara yoga demonstrates that the flow of breath dominates each nostril alternately and regularly. The flow of breath changes from one nostril to the other periodically, thus balancing the entire system, which is the key objective of Swara Yoga.

Swara Yoga establishes the relationship between the dominance of breath and the different activities of the body and the personality. The flow of breath at regular intervals indicates a pattern and a rhythm that affects the physical and mental states.
Swara Yoga is science which is a complete study, observations, control and manipulation of breath or Swara. In swara yoga, you will find association of breath in relation to activities of sun, moon, various seasons, physical and mental conditions of individuals etc. So Swara Yoga is more comprehensive in theory and practices related to breath.

Swara is Sanskrit word, meaning sound or note. It is also a continuous flow of air through one nostril. Yoga means union, so Swara yoga is a science which is realization of cosmic consciousness through control and manipulation of breath.


The right hemisphere, governed by the IDA nadi flowing through the left nostril, is responsible for experiences which are intangible to the external sense receptors. The left brain hemisphere or PINGALA nadi, governed by the flow of breath through the right nostril, is responsible for the rational, analytical, logical and mathematical intellect
Since coordination of body parts is controlled by left hemisphere of brain, so Surya Swara is useful in cerebral palsy.
Its my own experience.

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